Wednesday 7 March 2012

Man scares himself every day for one year

Man scares himself every day for one year

Man scares himself every day for one year, L.A. Screenwriter Chronicles 365 Consecutive Days of Conquering His Fears, Greg Tung chronicles his attempt to overcome 365 of his biggest fears and phobias. Country singer Tim McGraw's lyrics in his hit "Live Like You Were Dying" encourages people to take advantage of every day that they live by living it fearlessly. How close have any of us really come to doing just that? Meet L.A. screenwriter Greg Tung. He set out to conquer his fears, taking the famous words of Eleanor Roosevelt who once said, "Do one thing every day that scares you," literally.

Tung just completed 365 consecutive days of doing something that scared the daylights out of him. Here are some of the fears that Tung chose to overcome: spend the day in solitary confinement; have a first kiss in a public place; talk to that cute girl in yoga; eat a live octopus. Tung conquered yet another fear by uploading a video of himself onto YouTube doing many of the scary things. So far, his video has more than 88,000 views and people are comparing it to real-life bucket list.

Tung chronicled every one of his fears on his blog, writing that there is satisfaction in confronting his fears. In his final blog entry, Tung offered this advice: "When you do a scary thing, you discover you're stronger than you thought ... and those things? They're almost never as bad as you think."

For the most part, people on social media are impressed with Tung's experiment, calling it "great" and calling him "an inspiration."

via: yahoo

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