Tuesday 13 March 2012

NBA star's adorable pic of his little boy

NBA star's adorable pic of his little boy

NBA star's adorable pic of his little boy, Chris Paul made his son an adorable protective mask, Chris Paul makes some gear for his young son after the tot makes a special request. Earlier Monday, Dan Devine noted that Los Angeles Clippers point guard Chris Paul is now wearing a protective mask just like fellow Staples Center star Kobe Bryant. In L.A., protecting a broken nose with a clear plastic mask is the new black.

It's so popular, in fact, that little kids are also catching on. In fact, Paul's young son has asked to get in on the trend. As you can see in this photo, he had his father make him a special mask for his own basketball games.

Well, that is pretty much the most adorable thing in the world. Teammate DeAndre Jordan mocked CP3's arts-and-crafts skills, saying that the young Paul looked like Blankman, but that's nitpicking. Plus, it'd be pretty awesome if any player, let alone a superstar, wore a mask with this shape during a real game.

After the jump, check out CP3's original tweet on why his son needed the mask in the first place.

It's going to be hard for anyone in the NBA to top this photo for the rest of the season. As far as I can tell, the only thing that will come close is if LeBron James' son shaves his head to mimic his father's hairline.

via: yahoo

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