Monday, 13 February 2012

Next Steve Jobs or Mini Albert Einstein?

Next Steve Jobs or Mini Albert Einstein?

Next Steve Jobs or Mini Albert Einstein?, Kids' incredible inventions turn heads, A 17-year-old fights terrorism with water, while two girls solve an icky lunch problem. The White House invited some of the smartest kids in the country to come show off their inventions the other day. The White House's East Room — normally a place for prime time press conferences and State Dinners was transformed into a science fair.

ABC's Senior White House correspondent Jake Tapper took a tour of the displays and shows us what these little geniuses have come up with. Maybe there's a future Steve Jobs or Albert Einstein among them?

Take Taylor Wilson who says when he was 14 years old, he developed a nuclear fusion reactor. Now only 17 he's developed a tool that could be a big help for counter-terrorism -- detecting Uranium-235, Weapons Grade Plutonium and Highly Enriched Uranium — using a not-so-rare ingredient: water.

Or 14 year old Benjamin Hylak, who designed an interactive robot to allow him to Skype with his grandmother, and also find her pills and pour her a glass of water. Amazing!

And you know the old saying necessity is the mother of invention? Well, 12-year-old Ma'Kese Wesley and 11-year-old Isis Thompson heard about the deadly bacteria outbreaks on cantaloupe melons last year and came up with a high tech lunch box that zaps fruits and vegetables using UV light and makes them safe to eat.
These kids are all pretty incredible. Enough to make a White House reporter feel a little intimidated.

via: yahoo

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