Amber Portwood Agrees to Rehab to Avoid Jail Time
Amber Portwood Agrees to Rehab to Avoid Jail Time, Remember Amber Portwood?, She is one of the first teen moms to appear on MTV’s reality series 16 and Pregnant and she was also on the first season of Teen Mom. Portwood escaped jail time after her hearing Monday morning when an Indiana judge sentenced Portwood to rehab instead of lock down.
According to a Madison County clerk who spoke to E! News, the MTV reality “star” was sentenced to a total of five years: two years on her probation violation and three years on the drug violation.
The drug offense resulted after police officers discovered prescription medication in Portwood’s purse, however, Portwood did not have a prescription for the medication, a class D felony.
The mother of daughter Leah may not have avoided jail time completed, the sentence depends on Portwood completing an intense drug rehabilitation program.
But Portwood won’t be headed to rehab just yet, she will remain in custody until Thursday and then around 2 p.m. she will be taken to Madison County Drug Court.
Portwood will be entered into the drug rehab program if the Drug Court officials feel she is suitable. If so, she will be released from custody and entered into the program. Since the program is not inpatient facility she would be able to live with her mother while in while she receives treatment.
Surprisingly, Porwood’s mother, Tonya Portwood, does not agree with the 60-month probation that Amber was sentenced. She spoke to E! and said, “I think they are using her as a prime example to make themselves look good for political reasons…I don’t think she should have received the punishment she was given [in the first place].”
via: llp
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